Since 1982, Cal – West Karate School has specialized in both private and group instruction in the Bay Area.  In that time we have taught numerous students the Art of Self – Defense.

Our private instruction provides one – on – one attention, ensuring proper guidance and direction to each student. Positive, patient, and effective teaching techniques will enable students to learn more and more efficiently.  Our highly trained professional staff can help each student achieve their maximum proficiency at all levels.  We strive to teach all students to compete against themselves, to be the best they can be as an individual.  Self – esteem, self – discipline, self – confidence, and most importantly, RESPECT, are keys to our program and lead to success in all aspects of one’s life.

We emphasize that being a Martial Artist is not just the physical ability to defend yourself, but that you carry yourself with the highest integrity at all times.

To be good on the outside, you have to be better on the inside.